TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu

20240426 094227425 iOS 1 scaled
20240426 105113576 iOS 1
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 21

If you want to talk about Japan travel, culture, and the Japanese language in an open chat room, please come in.

20240426 094011989 iOS 1
380 yen all menus, yakitori

20240426 100825297 iOS
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 31
20240426 104036607 iOS 1
It was the best menu in Torikizoku.
20240426 094227425 iOS 1
20240426 105716404 iOS 1
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 32
20240426 105921545 iOS 1
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 33
20240426 110024416 iOS 1
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 34
20240426 105932489 iOS 1
20240426 111445682 iOS 1
TORIKIZOKU Tokyo Station, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu 35

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